Chronic Disease - Lakeside Natural Medicine -Lakeside Natural Medicine

Natural Health and Wellness for the Whole Family

Chronic Disease

Naturopathic medicine excels in supporting chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and cancer. Chronic disease is a state of disease on any level, whether it be spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical. In other words, the body is out of balance on some level. The naturopathic approach to chronic disease is based on first identifying the root cause of your particular condition and then addressing the underlying cause accordingly to achieve a state of balance so that you can get on with enjoying your life. A typical visit includes:

  • Extensive health history and evaluation of your current state of health
  • Both conventional and specialty lab analysis
  • A comprehensive wellness plan that will include individualized diet and lifestyle recommendations and natural therapies to not only get you feeling well but also address the underlying cause
  • Preventative measures to ensure future health and vitality
  • Cooperative care with any and all other practitioners from whom you receive health care

Naturopathic wellness services are not a substitute for diagnosis and treatment from your medical treatment provider.


I was diagnosed with IBS in July of 2022, and I struggled with my diet, always feeling bloated and sick to my stomach. My primary care physician prescribed a drug for my symptoms, and after taking this medication for six months I found no improvement in my condition. I found out about Lakeside Natural Medicine from a family member, and I saw my first Naturopathic Doctor- Katarina Meister, and it changed everything. Dr. Meister helped me with my diet and recommended certain supplements to regulate, and actually work at healing my intestines so that I could successfully stop the prescription I was taking. I am so grateful for Dr. Meister’s help!! I think she’s great, and I highly recommend her to anyone who is suffering from IBS and wants to find healing without prescription medications.

—GWJ,70 year oldFemale

I have been seeing Dr. Meister for my hormonal and digestion issues. She is the only medical provider that actually listened and tested what my body was actually producing and not producing. With the actual information she had she was able to treat me with the proper hormonal and digestive supplements/ medications. She worked with my family doctor for even a smoother course of treatment. I’ve had endometriosis and gut issues for years and no help after seeing many specialists and spending thousands of dollars. Dr. Meister has been the only provider to actually help and I feel better than I’ve ever felt in years!

It’s amazing to actually feel good and help spread my great success with lakeside to help others with issues they have struggled with for years. Not a single regret! The best ever!

—JG,43 year oldFemale

My experience at Lakeside Natural Medicine has been nothing but positive and life changing. Prior to attending Lakeside I had an unexplained weight gain, mood swings, irregular periods and low energy levels. In general I did not feel like myself. Today I am proud to say that I am the healthiest I have ever been. I am now able to maintain a healthy weight, regular energy levels, maintain better mental health and my menstrual cycles are back to normal. Four to five months after my first appointment is when I started to see these positive changes.

All of these changes were achievable with the helpful recommendations from the doctors at Lakeside. One of the first things I did was a saliva test that measured my hormone levels which were ultimately the causes of the negative changes in my body. I made dietary changes, started to take natural supplements and made more efforts to exercise.

Dr Meister was nothing but supportive, encouraging and professional as she helped me get to the root of my health issues. You can tell she truly cares for the well being of her patients and aims to provide the best long lasting natural solutions.

—ES,22 year oldFemale

"We feel so fortunate to have found Dr. Axtell. We originally sought treatment for my youngest child who has had food intolerances since birth. Despite having a wholesome diet and being an overall very healthy child, she was experiencing significant joint-pain that was progressively getting worse. Dr. Axtell provided supplements and we notice significant relief within days. Since then, we have been able to reintroduce most foods and only very rarely have issues with pain or GI discomfort. Because of the amazing results with my youngest, I began working with Dr. Axtell myself. She quickly identified significant hormonal, gut, and nutritional imbalances. Prior to working with Dr. Axtell, I was eating a healthy diet (low in sugar and refined grains, and high in protein and vegetables) and exercising regularly. However, I had chronic fatigue, difficulty focusing, sleeping, controlling blood sugar, excessive water retention, and it was very difficult for me to lose weight. Dr. Axtell did extensive blood, stool, and hormone testing to determine a treatment plan. Since implementing her plan, I feel better than I have my entire adult life and I’ve lost over 30 pounds without making significant changes to my diet or exercise routine. I honestly look back and can’t believe how I made it through the days feeling as awful as I did. If would absolutely recommend Dr. Axtell without reservations to anyone who is looking to feel better and identify health issues not commonly identified by general practitioners."

—JB,38 year oldFemale

Dr. Joanne Aponte's bedside manner is both calm and patient. She listens intently and then explains her recommendations in great detail and then provides my wellness plan printed for my convenience. She is very knowledgeable in naturopathic medicine. With her help I am symptom free, feel great and know I am leading a healthier life than before knowing her. I strongly recommend Dr. Aponte.

—CS,61 year oldFemale

I wanted to write and thank Dr. Aponte for working with me this Spring. I feel like a new person- rested, calm and without pain. The guidance and care Dr. Aponte provided was the perfect solution to my health issues and I'm so grateful.

—CB,53 year oldFemale

It has been my pleasure and inspiration to have worked with Dr. Axtell as her patient. Even though our appointments have been via long-distance telephone, I’ve always felt that she was glad to hear my voice, truly concerned about me and my health history. Our conversations couldn’t have been more personal if we’d met face-to-face. Dr. Axtell asks all the right questions- very intuitive and understanding of my health issues. She never rushes me into an answer. In fact, she helps me vocalize my issues by asking just the right questions to identify the underlying cause and recommend natural remedies. And she has a great sense of humor. I’m reaching my goals, thanks to her help and excellent guidance.

—SB,66 year oldFemale

Talking to Dr. Aponte during appointments and the natural supplements that she recommended helped me calm down, focus and control my stress. The supplements helped my mind stop thinking about things to worry about. They calmed me down without me noticing! I know there will always be set backs or difficult times, but I have the tools now to not let those times control me and I know how to regain a sense of calm. I can now focus more on just living life every day.

—BS,28 year oldMale

I visited Dr. Axtell two years ago to address my Rheumatoid Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The arthritis, in particular, was troublesome. I was taking medications for it, and the medications helped somewhat, but my routine was still drastically affected. Dr. Axtell recommended a gluten-free diet along with supplements that enabled me to be pain-free with no medication. It’s been almost two years of no arthritis pain and now we are discussing stopping Avonex injections for MS.

—JS,62 year oldMale

In my first meeting with Dr. Aponte, I felt an instant rapport with her and felt comforted by her compassion. She took me seriously and listened intently to every symptom that I reported. She truly treated me as a whole person and not as just a condition. Not only did Dr. Aponte provide me with supplements and dietary advice that improved my condition but her advice and natural remedies also helped me to improve my overall wellbeing. I credit Dr. Aponte’s advice with the fact that my condition improved so quickly. I want to thank Dr. Aponte for her impeccable expertise, compassion, intuition and skill. I would recommend her to anyone.

—KL,28 year oldFemale

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