Dr. Sarah Axtell, ND - Lakeside Natural Medicine -Lakeside Natural Medicine

Natural Health and Wellness for the Whole Family

Dr. Sarah Axtell, ND


I always knew I wanted to be a doctor and considered conventional medical school, but the conventional medical emphasis on symptom management felt lacking. While I do believe it is important to palliate the symptoms in the short term to make a patient feel better, I believe it is crucial to help patients with the long-term goal of determining the cause. My passion for health, nature, and science culminated when I discovered naturopathic medicine. It was the ultimate “Ah Ha” moment.

In my naturopathic practice I am passionate about helping patients achieve optimal health. I develop a partnership with my patients, where I bring scientific knowledge of the human body and patients bring self-knowledge. Together, we devise an individualized wellness plan that gets to the underlying cause of the illness, allowing patients to feel well and able to do what they love to do.

As a patient, you can expect each appointment to be carried out with warmth and compassion. Educating and inspiring you to return to and maintain a state of optimal health is at the center of my practice.


As a naturopathic doctor, I provide holistic supportive health and wellness consultations for the entire family. I help people who are facing many different chronic health conditions, such as hormonal imbalances, thyroid disorders, autoimmune diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, and weight loss resistance. I believe strongly in addressing you as an individual, not just your symptoms. I specialize in addressing the root cause of your health issue by utilizing an effective, natural approach including clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, detoxification, and biotherapeutic drainage. My passion is “food as medicine.”

I graduated with honors from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in dietetics and nutrition. I then earned my doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from the fully accredited naturopathic medical college, National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM), in Portland, OR. I received extensive training in natural therapeutics from some of the leading physicians in the field during my three-year clinical rotations at NUNM. I am board-certified by the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners and am currently licensed in the state of Oregon as a primary care physician. For a complete look at naturopathic education curriculum, see our doctor of naturopathic medicine education and training page.

While I was in naturopathic medical school, I was involved in research at the NUNM Helfgott Research Institute. During this time, I extensively researched the area of detoxification. I graduated with honors in research from NUNM.

I am mother to two daughters who have inspired me and given me a love for children. I believe that establishing a solid foundation of health in childhood will lead to a fulfilling, healthy life. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family. I love to cook and spend time outdoors.

I look forward to meeting you wherever you may be in the journey to wellness.

Dr. Axtell is a member of the Wisconsin Naturopathic Doctors Association.

Read more from Dr. Axtell on the Lakeside Natural Medicine Blog

IN THE NEWS: Dr. Sarah Axtell being interviewed on WTMJ 4 News on March 24, 2023.

IN THE PRESS: Dr. Axtell’s profile was featured in Natural Awakenings Magazine in 2015.


Who knew healthy eating could be so easy and fun? Thanks to Dr. Axtell’s workshop, I learned how to eat more healthfully, make good choices and prepare delicious and healthy meals for my family. Without even being aware of it, I lost a few pounds and increased my energy. I’m literally bounding up the stairs at age 60! I feel terrific!

—JS,60 year oldFemale

"We feel so fortunate to have found Dr. Axtell. We originally sought treatment for my youngest child who has had food intolerances since birth. Despite having a wholesome diet and being an overall very healthy child, she was experiencing significant joint-pain that was progressively getting worse. Dr. Axtell provided supplements and we notice significant relief within days. Since then, we have been able to reintroduce most foods and only very rarely have issues with pain or GI discomfort. Because of the amazing results with my youngest, I began working with Dr. Axtell myself. She quickly identified significant hormonal, gut, and nutritional imbalances. Prior to working with Dr. Axtell, I was eating a healthy diet (low in sugar and refined grains, and high in protein and vegetables) and exercising regularly. However, I had chronic fatigue, difficulty focusing, sleeping, controlling blood sugar, excessive water retention, and it was very difficult for me to lose weight. Dr. Axtell did extensive blood, stool, and hormone testing to determine a treatment plan. Since implementing her plan, I feel better than I have my entire adult life and I’ve lost over 30 pounds without making significant changes to my diet or exercise routine. I honestly look back and can’t believe how I made it through the days feeling as awful as I did. If would absolutely recommend Dr. Axtell without reservations to anyone who is looking to feel better and identify health issues not commonly identified by general practitioners."

—JB,38 year oldFemale

We feel so fortunate to have found Dr. Axtell. We originally sought treatment for my youngest child who has had food intolerances since birth. Despite having a wholesome diet and being an overall very healthy child, she was experiencing significant joint-pain that was progressively getting worse. Dr. Axtell provided supplements and we notice significant relief within days. Since then, we have been able to reintroduce most foods and only very rarely have issues with pain or GI discomfort. Because of the amazing results with my youngest, I began working with Dr. Axtell myself. She quickly identified significant hormonal, gut, and nutritional imbalances. Prior to working with Dr. Axtell, I was eating a healthy diet (low in sugar and refined grains, and high in protein and vegetables) and exercising regularly. However, I had chronic fatigue, difficulty focusing, sleeping, controlling blood sugar, excessive water retention, and it was very difficult for me to lose weight. Dr. Axtell did extensive blood, stool, and hormone testing to determine a treatment plan. Since implementing her plan, I feel better than I have my entire adult life and I’ve lost over 30 pounds without making significant changes to my diet or exercise routine. I honestly look back and can’t believe how I made it through the days feeling as awful as I did. If would absolutely recommend Dr. Axtell without reservations to anyone who is looking to feel better and identify health issues not commonly identified by general practitioners.

—JB,38 year oldFemale

Dr. Axtell has provided excellent support and recommendations for our baby. Her compassion, wisdom, knowledge and caring personality all blend beautifully to help guide her patients toward balanced and harmonious health. Dr. Axtell is thorough, articulate and always follow through with us. These characteristics are so valuable in a naturopathic doctor and very important to me as a patient. We, as a family, are so thankful for Dr. Axtell’s help and guidance with out baby’s health and wellness.

—MR, mother of,1 year oldMale

It has been my pleasure and inspiration to have worked with Dr. Axtell as her patient. Even though our appointments have been via long-distance telephone, I’ve always felt that she was glad to hear my voice, truly concerned about me and my health history. Our conversations couldn’t have been more personal if we’d met face-to-face. Dr. Axtell asks all the right questions- very intuitive and understanding of my health issues. She never rushes me into an answer. In fact, she helps me vocalize my issues by asking just the right questions to identify the underlying cause and recommend natural remedies. And she has a great sense of humor. I’m reaching my goals, thanks to her help and excellent guidance.

—SB,66 year oldFemale

Dr. Axtell, I have to thank you…. I must have been somewhat low progesterone for a while. I haven’t slept this good in a YEAR. Starting the second day I used the cream, I cannot believe how well I slept. How rested I feel. I’m so calm and tolerating life so much better, so much less stressed. I feel amazing. So thank you for what you do…. Based on my symptoms it all makes sense! I also really appreciate your integrity in partnering with my OB and my decisions. I’m glad I chose naturopathy!

—SN,28 year oldFemale

Upon meeting Dr. Axtell, I found her to be respectful and professional, yet present and easygoing. In the short time that I have been seeing Dr. Axtell, my primary complaints of anxiety, low energy, insomnia and constipation, have diminished by 80-100%. She was very thorough with her questions and suggestions. Her suggestions ranged from incorporating more of an anti-inflammatory diet, seed cycling and some supplements, to creating new lifestyle habits. I began with adding deep relaxing breathing, especially before meals, and an earlier bedtime. I quickly noticed the positive effects upon my digestion, energy and sleep, as well as an inner calm which I am cultivating one moment at a time. Lastly, but just as importantly, Dr. Axtell listened, allowing my feelings to be felt as well, encouraging and inspiring me to start doing the same for myself. Thank you Dr. Axtell.

—KF,54 year oldFemale

Dr. Axtell spent many hours outside of my appointments reviewing my case and coming up with the best wellness plan to help my body heal at the cellular level. She also sees my children and clearly understands the needs of the growing and developing child. She understands physiology and biochemistry and the difference in curative vs. palliative medicine. Now I know the difference in just feeling well and true wellness. I highly recommend Dr. Axtell for those serious about getting to the root cause of any health challenge.

—CH,40 year oldMale

I was so frustrated with so many other medical professionals not taking the time listen or care about me. Dr. Axtell takes the time to listen fully and understand. She also questions and gives me the room to ask my own questions and to think about what I can do differently to become healthier. Dr. Axtell helped me work through and heal so many life changing health issues. We worked together to get me through my first Ironman triathlon event, adrenal and thyroid support, depression and peri-menopause. Dr. Axtell allows me to be me, while also encouraging and challenging me to live a more wholesome, healthier lifestyle.

—CQ,51 year oldFemale

I visited Dr. Axtell two years ago to address my Rheumatoid Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The arthritis, in particular, was troublesome. I was taking medications for it, and the medications helped somewhat, but my routine was still drastically affected. Dr. Axtell recommended a gluten-free diet along with supplements that enabled me to be pain-free with no medication. It’s been almost two years of no arthritis pain and now we are discussing stopping Avonex injections for MS.

—JS,62 year oldMale

Prior to coming to Dr. Axtell, I was experiencing a number of ailments that were not responding to mainstream medical treatment. I suffered from severe fatigue and spent much of my day in bed because I was too tired to do anything else. My blood pressure was high in spite of taking two different medications to control it. At my first visit with Dr. Axtell, she took the time to understand my case taking into account my diet and lifestyle. She patiently answered all of my questions and explained my wellness plan every step of the way. Most of all, she gave me hope that something could be done to address my condition where other modalities had failed. After being under Dr. Axtell’s care for a few short weeks my energy level has gone through the roof. The ‘mind fog’ has lifted and I am now able to concentrate and enjoy many of the activities I used to enjoy. My blood pressure has dropped 20 points and is now at the levels it was when I was in my 20’s. As a bonus, I have lost 25 lbs. and counting. I highly recommend Dr. Axtell to anyone who truly wants to improve their health. Her caring and compassionate approach to healthcare is sure to produce positive results.

—CD,59 year oldMale

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