Rutabaga Shepherd’s Pie - Lakeside Natural Medicine

Natural Health and Wellness for the Whole Family

Rutabaga Shepherd’s Pie

ByKatarina Meister, ND October 25, 2022

Enjoying your fall favorites doesn’t have to come at the expense of dysregulated blood sugar! Try one of my favorites- Rutabaga Shepherd’s Pie. You might be wondering, “Why Rutabaga?” Compared to potatoes, rutabagas are lower in total carbohydrates and higher in fiber. This means it won’t send you on a blood sugar rollercoaster. And bonus- it still has a similar taste! The high fiber will help to promote regular bowel movements and a healthy gut microbiome.

Low lactose, and Gluten Free

Serves: 8

2-3 Rutabagas (3lbs)
1 sweet onion
3-4 medium-sized carrots
1 bag of Frozen peas
1lb Grass-fed ground beef
1 can unsweetened Coconut milk
Grass Fed Ghee (To make this Dairy-free – buy dairy-free ghee!)
2 tbsp Balsamic vinegar
2tbsp Coconut aminos
2 egg yolks
2 garlic cloves

2tbsp Cumin
Salt and pepper to taste

1 sprig of Fresh Rosemary


  1. Start oven to 400F and start to boil water.
  2. Peel and dice Rutabagas then add to boiling water, cook for 20-30mins or until soft
  3. In a cast iron pan, combine 1tbsp ghee, minced garlic, cumin, diced carrots, diced onions, and grass-fed beef in a cast iron pan, and cook until beef is browned. Then add frozen peas to the beef mixture and remove from heat.
  4. Once Rutabagas are soft, drain and mash rutabagas with an immersion blender or food processor. Add egg yolks, ¼ cup ghee, ½-1 can of coconut milk, and then top to meat mixture with a spatula.
  5. Place pan in the oven and cook for 30mins
  6. Broil on high until lightly browned for the last 1-2 minutes – watch carefully!
  7. Top with Fresh rosemary and allow to cool for 10 minutes then enjoy!

Editor’s Note: The information in this article is intended for your educational use only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health practitioners with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any diet, supplement, fitness, or other health program.

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