10 SUPER FOODS for your child - Lakeside Natural Medicine -Lakeside Natural Medicine

Natural Health and Wellness for the Whole Family

10 SUPER FOODS for your child

BySarah Axtell, ND July 24, 2008

Here are some foods that your child should be getting on a regular basis to ensure optimal health and wellness. These foods support a healthy immune system; promote brain development; prevent chronic, degenerative diseases; and best of all, they will satisfy your little one’s taste buds. Its best to buy organic!!

1. Blueberries- I buy frozen, organic blueberries and throw them in Cece’s morning oatmeal or goat yogurt. If your child is not eating grains or dairy yet (ideally, wait to introduce these foods until he/she is 12 months), you can give them to him/her by themselves as finger foods. You can puree them with applesauce for a tasty, nutrient-packed pureed baby food.

2. Avocados- Make a guacamole with avocados, lemon, a pinch of cumin and salt and pepper. This is a great baby food (starting at 6 months) that will support your child’s growing brain! See my post on “Chocolate Mousse of the Gods” for a decilious desert using avocados.

3. Sweet Potatoes- This was Cece’s first solid food. Simply throw a sweet potato in the oven (350 F) for 30 minutes or until sweet potato is tender inside. Cut open and spoon out the flesh in a food processor. Add as much breastmilk as needed to get a good consistency. As a finger food, dice them, drizzle with grapeseed oil, season, and roast in the oven for 30 minutes. Great for the immune system.

4. Ground Flaxseeds- (appropriate at 10-12 months)- Sprinkle on mixed vegetables, baked goods, smoothies, oatmeal, or yogurt (of the goat variety of course!). See post on Seeds!

5. Spinach- Steam spinach on the stove top with a little bit of water. Mix with egg yolk (see below) or applesauce. You can also add fresh spinach to any soups

6. Egg Yolk- The yolk is packed full of iron and B vitamins. The white is highly allergenic and should not be introduced until your child is after 12 months to avoid allergies. I like to hard boil eggs (do 5 at a time to save yourself some time!). Once the eggs are boiled, throw the yolk in with a pan full of steamed spinach. Mix until smooth consistency. One of Cece’s favs!

7. Tahini- See post on tahini for recipes and health benefits.

8. Quinoa- This grain is a complete protein! It is readily available at any grocery store-look in the natural foods section. It is a great substitute for rice or pasta.

9. Pomegranite- Ideal finger food!!

10. Coconuts- No part is off limits- use the beef, oil, and milk. Cook with the oil (see post on oils), and use the coconut milk in curries.

Editor’s Note: The information in this article is intended for your educational use only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health practitioners with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any diet, supplement, fitness, or other health program.

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