By Sarah Axtell, ND onMarch 13, 2012
The Importance of Childhood Nutrition Development of a good diet and nutrition regimen for children or for anyone for that matter can present challenges. This is because if you ask 10 different people what is the best diet plan to follow you will get 10… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onMarch 3, 2012
The skin acts as a window into our internal environment. Many of the common chronic skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis and acne are signs of poor elimination. In a healthy state, the body eliminates through the liver, gastrointestinal tract, lungs and kidney. If these organs… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onFebruary 14, 2012
As a naturopathic doctor, I am often asked, “Do I (or my kids) need to take nutritional supplements?” It all depends on how adequate your diet is. If you eat a diet rich in colorful, organic fruits and vegetables (totaling between 8-9 servings a day), you can likely… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onFebruary 6, 2012
My husband is doing a 21-day cleanse right now, consisting of a daily smoothie with a couple scoops of professional-grade detox protein powder and an Anti-Inflammatory diet (essentially gluten-free, dairy-free, alcohol-free, caffeine-free and sugar-free). I am breastfeeding right now so the last thing I want… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJanuary 15, 2012
The Anti- Cancer Diet by Dr. Sarah Axtell. ND Cancer is a disease that is commonly believed to be preventable. All cancers are a result of multiple mutations. These mutations are due to interaction with the environment. Genes, on the other hand, have… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJanuary 14, 2012
Naturopathic doctors have historically recognized inflammation as the root cause of most chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. Today, doctors in the allopathic or conventional paradigm now also recognize inflammation as an underlying cause of cardiovascular disease. The therapeutic benefits of fish… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onDecember 26, 2011
After a lot of traveling and the usual hustle-and-bustle of the holidays, my family is feeling a bit under the weather. My 3-year-old daughter and husband have a cough and a cold, and I am feeling a tickle in my throat on the verge of… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onDecember 11, 2011
Difficulty conceiving is becoming increasingly more common. According to the CDC and Prevention 2002 data, approx. 12% of women between 15 and 44 have impaired fertility. And according to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, one in seven couples have difficulty conceiving. Infertility is defined… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onNovember 6, 2011
In general, a fever is beneficial; it is the body’s way of fighting an infection. In most cases, you should not suppress a fever with fever-reducing medications. An elevated temperature is not considered a “fever” until it is 100.4 F. The optimal temperature to… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onNovember 1, 2011
Coconut is a true super-food. It is not only delicious, but it also has many health benefits. Here are 5 reasons to indulge in the tropical fruit. 1. In the past, coconut has gotten a bad rap due to its saturated fat intake. Saturated fat… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onOctober 20, 2011
We all hear that we are supposed to avoid high fructose corn syrup, but do you know why? There is a great article highlighting the rationale of avoiding the sweet stuff published on the Weston A. Price foundation website. Here are the basics:… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onOctober 5, 2011
Fall is here! This means that many of our favorite berries, tomatoes, and fresh herbs are no longer available. However, fall’s greatest bounties are now showing up in brightly colored fashion at farmer’s market. Pumpkins, squash, sweet potatoes, kale, and parsnips are some of the… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onAugust 27, 2011
Ever wonder how healthy you currently are or how healthy you could be? When the body is off balance, it lets us know through symptoms. We must pay attention to these symptoms and value the wisdom that the body is offering us. As a naturopathic… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
We all know the numerous benefits of mama’s milk, such as protection against infections, prevention of allergies, and boosting your child’s intelligence to name a few. Ideally, children should be breastfed for 2 years. But at some point (preferably after 12 months), you will likely… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
Beans are rich in essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and when paired with rice or another whole grain, they are considered a complete protein. They are great finger foods for toddlers by themselves and also make delicious meals. I prefer to buy… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
Kids have a blank slate as far as their palates go. Once they start eating solids (at around 6 mos), adding spices to their food is a must! Gradually work in more spices- start out with the more mild ones (garlic, dried… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
Tahini is a delicious spread made from ground sesame seeds. It is often added to hummus and other mediterranean dips. It is packed full of Calcium (who says you can only get calcium from milk?!), Copper, and Magnesium. Tahini is also full of… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
Ground seeds are an excellent way to pack vital nutrients into your little one (starting around 10-12 months). Try adding ground flax, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds to your child’s (and yours!) morning oatmeal. Or sprinkle them in smoothies. You can always add… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
Here are some foods that your child should be getting on a regular basis to ensure optimal health and wellness. These foods support a healthy immune system; promote brain development; prevent chronic, degenerative diseases; and best of all, they will satisfy your… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
Squash is packed full of nutrients, most notably beta carotene, vitamin C, potassium, folic acid, fiber, and manganese. Beta carotenes help protect your child from the damaging effects of the sun. They also help fight against cancer, heart disease, and cataracts. In addition… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
These cookies are wheat-free and refined sugar-free and include banana in them for added taste and moisture. They only take 10 minutes to prepare and you likely already have all the ingredients in your kitchen. Ingredients: – 1 cup oat flour… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
If you like hummus, here is an interesting twist on the delicious chickpea spread. It has almond butter and curry powder in it to give it a creamy texture and an Indian flavor. When served with rice crackers, this is a perfect… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
Refried Beans are a great source of protein. You can give them to your child right out of the can (perfect texture for he/she to feed self) or you can make your own. Canned refried beans are often very salty so by… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
This loaf is nice alternative to your traiditonal meat loaf with ketchup. It is a protein packed powerhouse with a delicious savory sweetness due to the raisins and walnuts. No need to top with ketchup because it is topped with a tasty apple butter glaze. Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
Have a bunch of kale but don’t know what to do with it? Or maybe you have been wanting to try kale but are weary of the green leafy vegetable? Here is an absolutely scrumptious way to get you and your family… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
It’s not hard to get anyone in your family to eat mashed potatoes…but cauliflower is likely a different story. Potatoes are high on the glycemic index, meaning they spike your blood sugar and require a lot of insulin to bring it down. Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
Humans have been eating fermented foods since ancient times. However, today it is rare to incorporate a fermented food in your diet. Fermented foods are full of good bacteria and can support a healthy gut and immune system. Here are 5 reasons… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
Honey is not only delicious tasting but also good for you! Unlike sucrose, it is rich in vitamins and minerals and contains countless health benefits. Honey can be used as a topical dressing for a wound or can be taken internally to… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
If you’re in the mood for something creamy…and leafy, then try this delicious dish. The coconut milk adds a nice nutty flavor to the greens. Quick and easy and of course full of vital nutrients! The kale is a great source of vitamin… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
PRObiotics are the good bugs in your body that support a healthy immune and gastro-intestinal system. Since our diets are typically void of probiotics and our lifestyles can promote extermination of them (ie. taking antibiotics and stress),… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
Millet is an ancient whole grain and has many uses beyond what we typically know it as, which is bird seed. It is widely consumed around the world in many dishes, ranging from breads, soups, muffins and flat breads. It is one… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
Worried you little one is not getting enough calories? Maybe he or she is falling off the growth curve, not gaining enough weight, or is just a picky eater. Or maybe he or she is growing just fine and you just want to… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2008
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything. I was busy studying and taking my clinical naturopathic licensing boards. Thank goodness those are out of the way, and now I can focus on my last 6 weeks of pregnancy. This is pregnancy number… Read More