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Natural Health and Wellness for the Whole Family


Cooking with Protein-Packed Nut Flours

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2014

Baking with nut flours adds lots of satisfying protein and heart healthy fat to your baked goods in addition to cutting down on carbs. These muffins are low on the glycemic index (ie. diabetic friendly) and gluten-free! And one more bonus- they… Read More

Functional Foods

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2014

One of my favorite sayings, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food,” is getting renewed interest lately. Functional foods are defined as any healthy food claimed to have health-promoting or disease-preventing properties beyond the basic function of supplying energy or calories. Today,… Read More

What I keep in my fridge and pantry

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2014

A gluten-free, dairy-free (cow dairy, that is) lifestyle does not have to mean bare cabinets. Here are some essentials to help you and your family stay healthy without going hungry. Veggies Any fresh veggie is a healthy one- my favorites include… Read More

Love Your Heart

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2014

Heart Disease is the number one cause of death. And it’s preventable! The most common heart disease in the US is coronary artery disease presenting as a heart attack. February is National Heart Month so it’s time to take steps to prevent… Read More

What Your Food Cravings Reveal about Your Health

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2014

As a naturopathic doctor, I frequently ask people if they have any food cravings. Food cravings can reveal a lot about your health. Food cravings can be both emotionally based, but they can also tie into your physical health. Like physical symptoms, food cravings give… Read More

Gluten-Free Orange Cranberry Muffins

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2014

Cece and I made these today after I picked her up from daycare. They were celebrating a birthday at daycare with chocolate cupcakes, and since Cece couldn’t have one (we are trying to be strictly gluten-free with her lately), I told her we’d make some… Read More

Maca for Mamas

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2014

In honor of Mother’s Day, this post is for all you tired mamas out there that need a an natural boost!   Maca is a plant native to the Andes, revered for its many nutritional and medicinal properties. Maca is a true super-food, for it… Read More

Healthy Popsicles for Kids

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2014

I recently discovered a recipe for “Vanilla Pops” in Cece’s Highlights magazine. Usually these recipes are not even worth glancing at, but this one looked decently healthy (once manipulated a bit) and delicious. Popsicles are an obvious favorite when its hot outside… Read More

Nut and Seed Balls

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2014

These nut and seed balls are a great vehicle to pack in nutrients. They are full of protein and essential nutrients, such as vitamin E, zinc (good for the immune system), and magnesium. They are also full of essential fatty acids, particularly… Read More

Zucchini Eggplant “Lasagna”

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2014

Sometimes you just have a craving for some tasty comfort food…like lasagna. But if you are like me, you want a dish high in protein and veggies and not high in gluten, or empty carbs for that matter. So here is a delicious recipe that… Read More

Pesto Tomato Bites

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2014

Pesto is my favorite summer spread. And it does not need to contain dairy to be delicious. Follow this recipe below for a quick and easy dairy-free pesto. The nutritional yeast is in place of cheese, giving it a creamy (and not to mention a… Read More

Healthy Harvest Recipes

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 24, 2014

It’s FALL! This means our favorite fresh berries and tomatoes are no longer readily available. But the good news is is that they are replaced with other delicious harvest goodies, such as pumpkins, squash, yams, and sweet potatoes. These foods are nutritional… Read More

The Health Benefits of Coconut

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 16, 2014

Coconut is a super-food. It is not only delicious, but it also has many health promoting properties. Here are 5 reasons to indulge in the tropical fruit. 1. In the past, coconut has gotten a bad rap due to its saturated fat intake. Saturated fat… Read More

Top 8 Power Snacks

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 16, 2014

My brother called me and wanted to know some healthy snack ideas ideal for people on-the-go and for the not-so-skilled in the kitchen. So here ya have it- power snacks appropriate for all ages and all lifestyles. A healthy snack always includes protein. This will… Read More

Immune-Strenghtening Soup

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 16, 2014

After a lot of traveling and the usual hustle-and-bustle of the holidays, my family is feeling a bit under the weather. My 3-year-old daughter and husband have a cough and a cold, and I am feeling a tickle in my throat on the verge of… Read More

Black Bean Brownies

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 16, 2014

If you and your family have a hankering for something sweet, You MUST try these. Including strange yet healthy items in baked goods/sweets and then knocking people’s socks off when they taste it and you reveal the secret ingredient makes my day. Read More

Healthy Breakfast–Healthy You

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 16, 2014

According to our natural circadian rhythm, morning is a time when we should feel most energized…but that is not the case for a lot of people. If you are feeling sluggish in the AM and are relying a bit too heavily on… Read More

Food Cures with Ginger

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 16, 2014

Ginger root is one of my most favorite herbs. It adds pungency and spice to foods; it is a nutrition all-star; and I think I am partial to it because of my 3 beloved gingers at home- Chris, Cecelia and Louisa! It’s very… Read More

Easy Red Lentil and Spinach Casserole

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 16, 2014

This is the easiest and most desired dinner dish at our house. Cece commonly requests “pink lentils” for dinner. Red lentils (or to cece, pink) are one of my most favorite to cook with because they are quick-cooking and kids seem to love them. I… Read More

Trail Mix Cookies (Gluten-Free, Vegan)

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 16, 2014

I’ve been baking more with blackstrap molasses. I like it because it is a natural sweetener rich in minerals, especially iron. I included pumpkin seeds and raisins in this recipe too- other iron-rich foods. So with the combination of the molasses, raisins and pumpkin seeds… Read More

Veggie Crust Pizza

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 16, 2014

Nothing is more comforting than pizza! Dinner is never a battle when it’s pizza night! I have been playing around with using veggies as crusts. The zucchini one is AMAZING! It’s sort of like a quiche as the crust, and then when you top it… Read More

Kid Friendly Sauces

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 16, 2014

Delicious sauces are a great way to get kids to eat their not-so-favorite vegetables. Cece will eat broccoli, sweet potatoes and spinach plain with no problem. But cabbage and brussel sprouts are a different story. Here are some nice toppers to encourage your little one… Read More

Teff: A Super-Grain

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 16, 2014

Teff is my favorite gluten-free, whole grain baking flour. Teff is an ancient Ethiopian grain, tiny in size but packed with nutrients. It’s higher in protein than wheat and has a high amount of calcium, and thiamin (a b vitamin). AND it… Read More

Kale Walnut Pesto Quesadillas

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 16, 2014

This pesto is one-of-a-kind! It is packed with flavor AND nutrients- lots of antioxidants, minerals (iron and calcium), chlorophyll (a detoxifying component of green leafies) and omega-3 fatty acids. The pesto is dairy-free, but trust me, you won’t be missing the cheese! I add… Read More

Eight Common Signs of Liver Dysfunction

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 11, 2014

There’s no doubt that we live in a toxic environment. Chemicals are found in house-hold cleaners, pesticides and fungicides, tap water, car exhaust fumes, pharmaceuticals, beauty products, and cigarette smoke. This places an incredible burden on our bodies, especially the liver, our main organ of… Read More

Miso Healthy!

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJune 23, 2014

IN THE PRESS: This recipe was featured in Natural Awakenings Magazine in 2022   If you are not familiar with miso, you are missing out! Aside from your traditional miso soup available at sushi restaurants, there are many other uses in your kitchen. It… Read More

Pesto Lentil Patties

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJune 23, 2014

These make a nice alternative to your everyday beef or veggie burger. They are packed full of protein and best of all FLAVOR! I used the kale walnut pesto to flavor these lean mean lentil machines. If you or your family are not fans… Read More

Spiced Chocolate Pumpkin Seed Balls

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJune 23, 2014

These make a great after-lunch snack or desert. I love making fruit and nut/seed balls with my girls. We have fun getting our hands sticky while rolling the mixture into balls, licking the bowl and eating the finished product together. These are packed… Read More

Coconut-Curry Chickpeas and Cauliflower

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJune 23, 2014

This dish is super satisfying. Creamy, savory and sweet all in the same bite. I especially like it because of the nutrition is provides. Lulu, my 9 month old, devoured it (despite it having a bit of a spicy kick to it). The coconut provides… Read More

Think Twice Before You Grill

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJune 4, 2014

It is summer-time and you are likely looking forward to backyard barbeques with your family and friends. However, eating grilled meat comes with consequences. This is not to say that you cannot enjoy an occasional grilled burger (grass-fed of course!). It is important to first… Read More

Coconut Flour Blondies

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJune 4, 2014

I have been baking with coconut flour a lot these days. I like it because it is grain-free so it is well-tolerated even by those who have problems digesting and metabolizing grains. And in general, I am a big fan of coconut– coconut flakes, coconut… Read More

Preventing Cancer with Collard Wraps

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJune 4, 2014

Cece and her grandmother, “Mimi,” planted collard greens this summer. They have flourished over the past couple months, and my go-to recipe for these greens are collard wraps. I’ve been experimenting with different fillings, and I especially like this one (see below). The… Read More

Super Easy Chia Pudding

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJune 4, 2014

This takes less than 2 minutes to make. Once you combine the ingredients you chill it for a couple hours and voila-you have a nutrient-packed super pudding! Kids LOVE this! It makes a nice energy-packed breakfast, snack or desert. I often speak about super… Read More

Black Bean Sweet Potato Enchiladas

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJune 4, 2014

Healthy Holiday Recipe: Black bean, sweet potato enchiladas This is a delicious entrée ideal for entertaining. It can be made the night before and it travels well, so it’s great for a holiday party or a potluck. It is vegetarian but is sure… Read More

Pumpkin Spice Smoothie

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJune 4, 2014

This recipe was inspired by one of my patients. I always love learning healthy recipes and tips from my patients! This smoothie recipe makes an ideal breakfast- packed full of blood sugar stabilizing protein, antioxidant rich pumpkin, seeds for essential micronutrients and fiber,… Read More

Brussel Sprouts with Hazelnuts, Sunflower Seeds and Dates

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJune 4, 2014

Cruciferous vegetables are part of the bassica genus of plants. They include brusssel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, collard greens, and bok choy. Cruciferous vegetables contain indole-3-carbonol, which has been found to inhibit the development of several cancers, such as bladder, breast, colon,… Read More

Grain Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJune 4, 2014

These cookies are made with almond flour, making them not only gluten free but also grain-free. Almond flour is packed full of protein and essential fat. For more on cooking with nut flours, see my previous post. I get my almond flour at Trader… Read More

Chocolate Kale Smoothie

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJune 4, 2014

This smoothie satisfies your chocolate cravings while at the same time providing excellent nutrition. Cece and Lulu know this as “chocolate milk.” It has cacao nibs in it, which provide a nice crunch and a huge burst of nutrition. Cacao is one of the best… Read More

Gluten Free Granola

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJune 4, 2014

Cereal is not a healthy breakfast food. As a general rule of thumb, if it comes from a box it is not real food. I am always suggesting my patients (and friends and family!) to eat REAL food. By this I mean substance from the… Read More

Healthy Hemp Hearts

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJune 4, 2014

Hemp hearts are my new favorite plant-based protein source. Hemp contains all 10 essential amino acids. Hemp also provides a nice balance of essential fats. Hemp hearts (or seeds) are a complete protein, providing 10 grams protein per 3 tbsp. Adding hemp hearts to oatmeal… Read More

Crispy Quinoa Cakes

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJune 4, 2014

The most common thing I hear from people when I ask if they like quinoa is, “Eh…it’s ok.” Rather than boiling a batch of plain old quinoa, try this recipe. It’s something to get you excited about this ancient grain. This recipe makes about 15-20… Read More

Carrot Raisin Flax Muffins

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJune 4, 2014

I love flaxseed. I love it for its delicious, nutty taste. And of course, I love it for its health benefits: 1. It is an excellent source of fiber, making your gut healthy. A happy,healthy gut is at the foundation of optimal health. 2. Read More

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