By Aidanne MacDonald-Milewski, ND onOctober 26, 2020
Bloating is one of the most common digestive symptoms I see in my practice. It can present as abdominal distension, swelling and discomfort, that can come and go throughout the day or be persistent. Often complaints of bloating are compounded by other gastrointestinal complaints, such… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onOctober 15, 2020
Intestinal transit is the time it takes food to pass through the entire digestive tract. An optimal transit time is between 18-24 hours. A slow transit time is associated with constipation and increases the likelihood of bowel toxemia and dysbiosis. I find SIBO is… Read More
By Aidanne MacDonald-Milewski, ND onSeptember 18, 2020
When it comes to health food stores and supplement aisles, it is easy to quickly become overwhelmed with a myriad of options. Where do you start? Once you’ve found the vitamin you were looking for, which form is best? It’s hard as a consumer to… Read More
By Aidanne MacDonald-Milewski, ND onSeptember 10, 2020
Zinc is a common nutrient deficiency caught on blood work by Naturopathic doctors. It plays an essential role in establishing healthy growth and development, as well as supporting the immune and nervous systems. It acts as a catalyst in hundreds of different bodily reactions, contributes… Read More
By Aidanne MacDonald-Milewski, ND onAugust 18, 2020
Recently, my friend shared this recipe with me and I fell in love with it instantly! It’s simple, refreshing, nutritious and a perfect side to bring to any summer cookout. Below you can find the recipe as well as more information on key nutrients or… Read More
By Aidanne MacDonald-Milewski, ND onJuly 31, 2020
Our body requires amino acids that make up proteins in order to replicate our DNA, repair cellular damage, support tissue and muscle growth, etc. Generally speaking, amino acids are known as the “building blocks of life” that help the body grow, repair and carry out… Read More
By Aidanne MacDonald-Milewski, ND onJuly 22, 2020
Almost everyone has experienced a food craving and, more often than not, people gravitate toward sugar or sweets to satiate this appetite. Cravings can stem from consistent sugar consumption but also can have underlying causes such as pre-diabetes, adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalance, candida overgrowth, etc. Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 19, 2020
We planted collard greens in our garden this year, and they have flourished over the past couple months. My go-to recipe for these greens are collard wraps. I’ve been experimenting with different fillings, and I especially like this one (see below). The basic idea is… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onMay 31, 2020
We aim to eat salmon once a week. I find it helps to keep the day we eat salmon consistent to ensure we get it in once weekly. Meal planning is key! In our house, we have “Salmon Mondays.” I go to the store over… Read More
By Joanne Aponte, ND onMay 22, 2020
It is estimated that 1 in 8 couples will have trouble getting pregnant or sustaining pregnancy. Why is this happening? While there are several known causes of infertility, 5-10% of infertility is unexplained. These unexplained cases are likely related to reduced quality of your eggs… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onMay 9, 2020
Sleep deprivation or insomnia can lead to: Memory and cognitive dysfunction: Your brain cleans itself at night. Think of your brain taking the garbage out. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) washes in and out in wave-like motions to eliminate accumulated metabolic “trash” in the brain. In… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onMay 9, 2020
Ever notice that when you are eating poorly that your PMS symptoms seem out of control? Do you experience “period poops”? Abdominal bloating or “PMS bloat”? You’ve heard about the gut-brain connection, but did you know that there is intimate connection between your gut and… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onMay 8, 2020
So many women struggle with PMS, debilitating menopausal symptoms, weight gain, breast tenderness, and cramps. While these are common symptoms, they are not normal or optimal. Rather than simply take the pill to mask the symptoms, our goal as NDs is to identify and address… Read More
By Aidanne MacDonald-Milewski, ND onMay 6, 2020
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), also known as heartburn, is a common complaint that Naturopathic doctors see clinically and one that can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. Common symptoms of heartburn include reflux, burning in the chest, nausea, cough, and a sensation as if… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onMay 5, 2020
By Aidanne MacDonald-Milewski, ND onApril 29, 2020
Stress tends to carry a lot of weight both physically and emotionally. It’s a necessity that challenges us all to grow in life but can become problematic when it’s either all-consuming or we aren’t able to process it properly. Life in general is stressful,… Read More
By Aidanne MacDonald-Milewski, ND onApril 27, 2020
Health and wellness of the heart are fundamental to our overall well-being. The heart is a constant powerhouse that works in complement with our lungs to provide oxygen to our tissues and brain. It transports nutrients that we gather from the foods we eat… Read More
By Aidanne MacDonald-Milewski, ND onApril 15, 2020
Osteoarthritis is considered a “wear-and-tear” condition of the joints that most commonly presents as joint pain that is worse with activity and better with rest. Its prevalence increases with age and is most commonly experienced in the knees, hands, hips and spine. In the… Read More
By Joanne Aponte, ND onApril 14, 2020
Cycling of seeds and oils in your diet is a great way to use food as medicine to support healthy hormone balance and regulate the menstrual cycle. Your ovarian hormones (progesterone and estrogen) perform a rhythmical dance throughout the month. This rhythm can easily be… Read More
By Joanne Aponte, ND onApril 12, 2020
No doubt this is a difficult time for many of us. Increased stress and strain on your resources might be taking its toll on you. If you are a parent like me, now you’re doing double duty as teacher in addition to your regular job. Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onApril 2, 2020
Given the pandemic of COVID-19 and the resultant “safer at home” order, I’ve noticed a lot of people are out walking lately. Walking is an excellent way to manage stress and get some exercise. If you haven’t done so already, now is the time to… Read More
By Joanne Aponte, ND onMarch 28, 2020
This recipe is SIBO friendly and low fodmap. There is actually some science to support chicken soup as a cold remedy! Chicken soup may block the migration of white blood cells to the upper respiratory tract and (according to a 2012 study in the American… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onMarch 27, 2020
I am a firm believer in “food is medicine.” Now is the time to prioritize a healthy diet to give your body the nourishment it needs to stay healthy. The goal of this blog post is to provide you with sound information to support your… Read More
By Joanne Aponte, ND onMarch 13, 2020
Autoimmune diseases are a group of conditions in which the immune system goes awry and starts to attack the body’s own cells. It can no longer distinguish self (you) from invader (not you). This immune attack against “self” leads to various symptoms and disease of… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onMarch 10, 2020
In Spring 2020, we moved into our new clinic at 3510 N Oakland Ave in Shorewood, doubling our space and added a third naturopathic doctor to our team. As you may know, we are passionate about using food as medicine with our patients. Our new… Read More
By Joanne Aponte, ND onMarch 9, 2020
Proton pump inhibitors (such as omeprazole and Nexium) are commonly prescribed to address acid reflux as well as a whole range of digestive symptoms. Symptoms of acid reflux include burning or pain in the stomach, chest or throat, chronic cough, sore throat, bad breath… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onMarch 6, 2020
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to the cyclical nature of symptoms that appear during the luteal phase (or second half) of the menstrual cycle. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe form of PMS that is more debilitating. Symptoms of PMS and PMDD include irritability, anger,… Read More
By lakesidend onMarch 1, 2020
By Joanne Aponte, ND onFebruary 10, 2020
‘Tis the season for colds and flus! While none of us like getting sick, acute illnesses like colds and flus are a very natural and normal response of a healthy body. It is normal for adults to get 1-2 colds per year and for children… Read More
By Joanne Aponte, ND onJanuary 17, 2020
There is no doubt about it, infertility rates for both men and women are rising. Researchers estimate that about 15% of female infertility is due to Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI). Premature ovarian insufficiency occurs in women under the age of 40 when the ovaries are… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJanuary 5, 2020
Elevated cortisol can result in insomnia, a “wired but tired” feeling, anxiety, and weight gain in the mid-section. Read More
By Joanne Aponte, ND onJanuary 1, 2020
Wisconsin ND’s are on the verge of gaining licensure in Wisconsin. Help us make this happen!! NOW is the time to call your legislators and urge them to support bill LRB 5620 to license naturopathic doctors. Click here to search your legislators: … Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onOctober 10, 2019
Dr. Axtell was recently interviewed for this article in Shepherd Express on alternative medicine. Check it out!… Read More
By Joanne Aponte, ND onOctober 9, 2019
I recommend a gluten free diet to many of my patients, and many thrive on it. Gluten is a very common gut irritant and trigger of inflammation in the body. I’ve seen it contribute to a variety of health issues. But when going gluten… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onOctober 1, 2019
We live in a world where phones, tablets, laptops, and tvs are ubiquitous. It is time to pause and question the effects of them…especially on the health and development of our children. A 2015 survey by Common Sense Media found that children ages 8-12… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onSeptember 27, 2019
Feeling tired and run down? Struggling with depression or anxiety? Dealing with poor memory or focus? Experiencing numbness or tingling? You may be low in B12 and require a B12 supplement. But not all B12 supplements are created equally. Here are some B12 basics: B12’s… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onAugust 30, 2019
Have you removed gluten from your diet but are still having issues with your health? Corn may be to blame. I often recommend gluten-free diets. I always caution individuals on over-consuming highly processed gluten-free products (gluten-free crackers, breads, bagels, muffins, cookies, cereals, etc) as they… Read More
By Joanne Aponte, ND onJuly 18, 2019
We see a lot of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) at our clinic and still, the answer to this question is not an easy one. I always ask myself “WHY does this person have SIBO?” and I do my best to figure out the answer. Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 17, 2019
Inositol was once previously considered a B vitamin, but it is now considered a pseudo-vitamin and is found primarily in whole grains, citrus fruits, and beans.It is commonly used for blood sugar regulation and treating polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), but it is also is… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onApril 17, 2019
Glyphosate is the world’s top-selling weed killer and key ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicide, Roundup. While the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) claims that glyphosate has “low toxicity for humans,” the World Health Organization (WHO) declared glyphosate a “probable carcinogen.” In addition to increasing cancer risk,… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onApril 15, 2019
There is a growing interest in the use of probiotics for gastrointestinal issues and women’s health issues, such as UTI’s and vaginal yeast infections. Confused on which particular probiotic to take for these issues? Lactobacillus reuteri (L. reuteri) is a strain of bacteria… Read More
By Joanne Aponte, ND onApril 12, 2019
Your gut microbiome is made up of all the micro-organisms (bacteria) that live in your digestive tract. There are likely 10 times more bacterial cells in your body than there are human cells! In other words, we are mostly bacteria (not human!). A majority of… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onApril 5, 2019
Fat is good for you…but NOT when combined with carbs (ie. French fries, chocolate cake and doughnuts). This dangerous combination can raise ghrelin, the “hunger hormone,” telling you to pick up your fork. Combining carbs and fat can also induce a temporary state of… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onMarch 16, 2019
If you have been diagnosed with IBS and/or SIBO and your symptoms continue to recur, your migrating motor complex (MMC) may need some support. The migrating motor complex is often referred to as the “housekeeper wave.” It is the quick, intense… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onMarch 16, 2019
If I could only use one herb for the rest of my life, it would be turmeric. It really is a “cure-all.” Turmeric is the spice that gives Indian curry it’s yellow hue. The active ingredient is curcumin, which has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant… Read More
By Joanne Aponte, ND onJanuary 9, 2019
The new year is the perfect time to cleanse and “wipe your slate clean” so to speak. It is a great way to start the year off right and make a big step forward in achieving whatever health goals you may have. There is… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onJanuary 6, 2019
If you or someone you know suffers from migraines, you know that they significantly affect quality of life. In fact, the World Health Organization ranks migraines among the world’s most disabling medical illnesses. They can send you straight to bed and may be associated with… Read More
By Sarah Axtell, ND onDecember 21, 2018
Fibrocystic breast disease is a benign disorder of the breasts that results in lumpiness, nodules and pain. It is not associated with breast cancer risk. However, it can be quite painful and bothersome for many women. Supplements for Breast Health A… Read More
By Joanne Aponte, ND onDecember 12, 2018
1 tablespoon olive oil 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 jalapeno, minced 1 cup quinoa 1 cup vegetable broth 1 (15-ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed. (I like to add more beans!) 1 (14.5 oz) can fire-roasted diced tomatoes 1 cup corn kernels, frozen, canned… Read More
By Joanne Aponte, ND onDecember 12, 2018
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil 1 medium yellow or white onion, chopped 2 carrots, peeled and chopped 4 garlic cloves, pressed or minced 2 teaspoons ground cumin 1 teaspoon curry powder ½ teaspoon dried thyme 1 large can (28 ounces) diced tomatoes, drained 1… Read More