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Natural Health and Wellness for the Whole Family


Chocolate Maca Truffles

By Sarah Axtell, ND onMay 1, 2020

In honor of Mother’s Day, this post is for all you tired ladies out there that need a natural boost! Maca is a plant native to the Andes, revered for its many nutritional and medicinal properties. Maca is a true super-food, for it is an… Read More

Detox Pesto

By Sarah Axtell, ND onApril 23, 2020

I call this “Detox Pesto” thanks to the cleansing dandelion greens and cilantro. We tend to think of dandelion greens as a pesky weed, but they are actually quite medicinal, especially to our liver and digestive tract. Dandelion simulates phase 1 and phase 2 pathways… Read More

Maple-Roasted Brussels Sprouts

By Sarah Axtell, ND onApril 23, 2020

Brussels sprouts are part of the cruciferous vegetable family. Cruciferous vegetable consumption has been implicated in the prevention of many different cancers, including lymphoma, breast, prostate, bladder, and lung cancer. Cruciferous vegetables contain the anti-cancer and liver-supportive substances, sulforophane and indole-3-carbinol. Indole-3-carbinol induces phase 1… Read More

Coconut Curry Red Lentil Soup

By Joanne Aponte, ND onApril 17, 2020

This is a delicious, quick and easy soup recipe with plenty of protein. The garlic and ginger are immune boosting and the turmeric reduces inflammation and protects your brain. Make a double (or triple) batch and freeze for later. Ingredients 1 tbsp avocado oil or olive… Read More

Natural Ways to Manage Arthritis

By Aidanne MacDonald-Milewski, ND onApril 15, 2020

Osteoarthritis is considered a “wear-and-tear” condition of the joints that most commonly presents as joint pain that is worse with activity and better with rest. Its prevalence increases with age and is most commonly experienced in the knees, hands, hips and spine. In the… Read More

Seed & Oil Cycling for Hormone Balance

By Joanne Aponte, ND onApril 14, 2020

Cycling of seeds and oils in your diet is a great way to use food as medicine to support healthy hormone balance and regulate the menstrual cycle. Your ovarian hormones (progesterone and estrogen) perform a rhythmical dance throughout the month. This rhythm can easily be… Read More

Quick & Healthy Sweet Treat

By Sarah Axtell, ND onApril 13, 2020

This is a great recipe to get the kids involved in the the kitchen. Nutritious energy that tastes great too! Lu and Cece approved!Posted by Lakeside Natural Medicine on Wednesday, April 15, 2020… Read More

Superfood Snack: Spiced Nuts with Coconut

By Sarah Axtell, ND onApril 10, 2020

This recipe was featured in Natural Awakenings Magazine in 2021. This is a savory and slightly sweet superfood snack. Gift your health-conscious foodie friends these spiced nuts this holiday season. People love them and are relieved to get an alternative to cookies!… Read More

Kale, Walnut, & Pumpkin Seed Pesto

By Sarah Axtell, ND onApril 3, 2020

This pesto is one-of-a-kind! It is packed with flavor AND nutrients-minerals (zinc, iron and calcium), chlorophyll (a detoxifying component of green leafies) and omega-3 fatty acids. It is rich in immune-supportive zinc, thanks to the pumpkin seeds. The pesto is dairy-free, but trust me, you… Read More

Immune-boosting Chicken Soup

By Joanne Aponte, ND onMarch 28, 2020

This recipe is SIBO friendly and low fodmap. There is actually some science to support chicken soup as a cold remedy! Chicken soup may block the migration of white blood cells to the upper respiratory tract and (according to a 2012 study in the American… Read More

Fortifying Immunity with Food

By Sarah Axtell, ND onMarch 27, 2020

I am a firm believer in “food is medicine.” Now is the time to prioritize a healthy diet to give your body the nourishment it needs to stay healthy. The goal of this blog post is to provide you with sound information to support your… Read More

Walnut Meat Tacos

By Sarah Axtell, ND onMarch 20, 2020

Not every meal needs to contain meat. I do think “happy meat” (grass-fed, organic) can be included as part of a healthy diet. Eating sustainably-raised, “happy meat” is not likely harmful and can be beneficial by stabilizing blood sugar, increasing HDL (or good cholesterol), decreasing… Read More

Autoimmune Disease: The Gut Connection

By Joanne Aponte, ND onMarch 13, 2020

Autoimmune diseases are a group of conditions in which the immune system goes awry and starts to attack the body’s own cells. It can no longer distinguish self (you) from invader (not you). This immune attack against “self” leads to various symptoms and disease of… Read More

3 Approaches to Addressing Your PMS Naturally

By Sarah Axtell, ND onMarch 6, 2020

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to the cyclical nature of symptoms that appear during the luteal phase (or second half) of the menstrual cycle. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe form of PMS that is more debilitating. Symptoms of PMS and PMDD include irritability, anger,… Read More

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

By Joanne Aponte, ND onFebruary 9, 2020

1/4 cup pumpkin (canned is fine) 10 oz of liquid – I use half water and half non-dairy milk. dash of pumpkin pie spice (add more as desired) 1 tbsp coconut cream 1/2- 1 tbsp ground flax seeds 1 tsp of honey (or… Read More

Sunshine Caesar Salad with Roasted Cauliflower

By Sarah Axtell, ND onFebruary 6, 2020

This salad incorporates the following superfoods: cauliflower, turmeric, walnuts, and capers. Cauliflower belongs to the cruciferous vegetable family. Cruciferous vegetable consumption has been implicated in the prevention of many different cancers, including lymphoma, breast, prostate, bladder, and lung cancer. Cruciferous vegetables contain the anti-cancer substances,… Read More

Healthy Hot Chocolate

By Sarah Axtell, ND onDecember 31, 2019

Forget the powdered hot chocolate mixes that are full of sugar and dairy. This Healthy Hot Chocolate recipe uses raw cacao and is sugar-free, dairy-free. Raw cacao is a super-food rich in antioxidants and magnesium (more magnesium than a serving of spinach!). This hot… Read More

Eating Gluten Free the Healthy Way

By Joanne Aponte, ND onOctober 9, 2019

I recommend a gluten free diet to many of my patients, and many thrive on it. Gluten is a very common gut irritant and trigger of inflammation in the body. I’ve seen it contribute to a variety of health issues. But when going gluten… Read More

The Importance of Limiting Screen Time

By Sarah Axtell, ND onOctober 1, 2019

We live in a world where phones, tablets, laptops, and tvs are ubiquitous. It is time to pause and question the effects of them…especially on the health and development of our children. A 2015 survey by Common Sense Media found that children ages 8-12… Read More

Double Chocolate Mint Cookies

By Sarah Axtell, ND onAugust 30, 2019

I love chocolate. The darker the better. I look forward to my couple squares of dark chocolate after dinner every night. Another treat I’ve been enjoying lately are these gluten-free cookies are made with teff flour. Teff is iron- and protein-rich gluten-free whole grain… Read More

Why Corn May be the Next Gluten

By Sarah Axtell, ND onAugust 30, 2019

Have you removed gluten from your diet but are still having issues with your health? Corn may be to blame. I often recommend gluten-free diets. I always caution individuals on over-consuming highly processed gluten-free products (gluten-free crackers, breads, bagels, muffins, cookies, cereals, etc) as they… Read More

Why do I have SIBO?

By Joanne Aponte, ND onJuly 18, 2019

We see a lot of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) at our clinic and still, the answer to this question is not an easy one. I always ask myself “WHY does this person have SIBO?” and I do my best to figure out the answer. Read More

Keep Calm and Balance Hormones with Inositol

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 17, 2019

Inositol was once previously considered a B vitamin, but it is now considered a pseudo-vitamin and is found primarily in whole grains, citrus fruits, and beans.It is commonly used for blood sugar regulation and treating polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), but it is also is… Read More

Fried Fish with Arugula Salad

By Joanne Aponte, ND onJuly 17, 2019

Fried Fish 1 large egg1 teaspoon kosher salt1/2 teaspoon black pepper1/2 teaspoon garlic powder1/2 teaspoon dried thyme4 (6 oz) thin fillets of a firm, white fish such as sole or cod1 cup almond flourAvocado oil Instructions: In a shallow bowl, whisk the egg with the salt, pepper, garlic powder and dried thyme. Dip each fish fillet into the… Read More

Rainbow Noodle Salad with Peanut Sauce

By Sarah Axtell, ND onApril 15, 2019

“Eat the colors of the rainbow” is a mantra I frequently say to my family and patients. And I always strive to practice what I preach! This salad is EASY and sure to please even the pickiest of eaters, as it is deconstructed and allows… Read More

Feed Your Gut Microbiome With Food

By Joanne Aponte, ND onApril 12, 2019

Your gut microbiome is made up of all the micro-organisms (bacteria) that live in your digestive tract. There are likely 10 times more bacterial cells in your body than there are human cells! In other words, we are mostly bacteria (not human!). A majority of… Read More

Fat + Carbs= Dangerous Combination

By Sarah Axtell, ND onApril 5, 2019

Fat is good for you…but NOT when combined with carbs (ie. French fries, chocolate cake and doughnuts). This dangerous combination can raise ghrelin, the “hunger hormone,” telling you to pick up your fork. Combining carbs and fat can also induce a temporary state of… Read More

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