Resources - Lakeside Natural Medicine - Page 9

Natural Health and Wellness for the Whole Family


Nourish Your Skin: Creamy Avocado Lime Dip

By Sarah Axtell, ND onFebruary 11, 2018

This dip is a bright lift to a dark and wintry day. Avocados are a great source of healthy monounsaturated fats as well as vitamin E, one of the most important nutrients for the skin, protecting it from oxidative damage. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble… Read More

Best of Milwaukee

By lakesidend onJanuary 17, 2018

We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Sarah Axtell, ND was named Best Naturopathic Doctor in Milwaukee.  Also, Lakeside Natural Medicine was named Best Alternative Medical Clinic in Milwaukee.  Dr. Joanne Aponte, ND of Lakeside Natural Medicine was a finalist for Best Naturopathic Doctor in… Read More

Parsnip Fries with Rosemary

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJanuary 9, 2018

Try parsnips as a lower carb and more nutrient-dense alternative to potatoes. Parsnips are good source of fiber, folate, potassium and vitamin C. Parsnip Fries with Rosemary Ingredients: 2 pounds of parsnips, cut into 3 inch strips 3 tablespoons of avocado oil… Read More

Butternut Squash Pesto with Macadamias

By Sarah Axtell, ND onNovember 5, 2017

Winter squash and pesto are my favorites and this recipe combines them! This dip has so much flavor. I like to put a dollop on my salad in place of dressing or top it over zucchini noodles or “zoodles.”  Or dip raw veggies in it… Read More

Boost Energy and Defy Aging with Mitochondrial Support

By Sarah Axtell, ND onNovember 3, 2017

Mitochondria are the power plants that keep our cells going and perform many of the functions that are vital to health. They are tiny compartments inside our cells that are in essence the “engine” to our lives. Functions of mitochrondria include: Detoxification– mitochondria detoxify… Read More

How to Choose a Fish Oil: EPA vs. DHA

By Sarah Axtell, ND onOctober 20, 2017

You’ve heard fish oil is healthy but confused on which one to take? Fish oil contains two omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. Many fish oil varieties concentrate EPA over DHA or vice versa. Here are the indications: Indications for a Higher DHA Fish… Read More

Cleansing with the Seasons

By Joanne Aponte, ND onSeptember 13, 2017

The changing season is the perfect time to cleanse and “wipe your slate clean” so to speak. Cleansing in the fall is helpful as the body prepares for the winter – a time of rest, energy conservation and turning inward. There is no doubt… Read More

The Dangers of Vegetable Oil

By Sarah Axtell, ND onSeptember 12, 2017

You’ve likely heard vegetable oils are “heart-healthy” and that butter is bad. Here is why this is all wrong: 1. Inflammation Vegetable oils (canola, corn, soy, peanut, sunflower and safflower) used to be considered healthy, but they are in fact the most toxic cooking… Read More

Sauteed Beets, Carrots and Greens

By Sarah Axtell, ND onSeptember 11, 2017

This veggie side dish is nourishing and cleansing. And it could not be easier! Enjoy! Sauteed Beets, Carrots and Greens ¼ cup coconut oil 1 small onion 2-3 cloves of garlic – pressed or finely chopped Bunch of beets (red… Read More

Healthy Snacks for Kids (and the whole family!)

By Joanne Aponte, ND onSeptember 10, 2017

Keys to building healthy snacks: Include all the 3 main food groups to make a complete wholesome snack or meal.   For example, avoid giving carbohydrate alone (crackers, cookies, cereal, pasta etc). All 3 food groups are needed to meet your child’s energy demands whether for… Read More

The Gut-Brain-Sleep Connection

By Sarah Axtell, ND onAugust 12, 2017

In addition to fiber and water, there are certain hormones that put the digestive process into motion, thus keeping you regular. These hormones run on a regular rhythm or bio-time. This is often referred to as the “gut clock.” Melatonin is a key hormone… Read More

Conquering Sugar Cravings

By Joanne Aponte, ND onJuly 24, 2017

Cravings for sugar can be pretty intense for people on special diets whether it is the Anti-candida diet, a weight loss diet or when switching to a paleo diet for example. There are several dietary principles that can help ease these cravings. While you must… Read More

The Trouble with Dairy: Beyond Lactose Intolerance

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJuly 21, 2017

One of the most common food sensitivities I see is dairy sensitivity, commonly causing brain fog, joint pain, digestive distress (gas, bloating, constipation), seasonal allergies and nasal congestion. This is different than lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance refers to the inability to digest the sugar… Read More

Turmeric Protein Drink

By Joanne Aponte, ND onJune 26, 2017

Here is a yummy recipe for an anti-inflammatory protein drink. This is one of my favorites. It’s a great breakfast alternative or snack. Best part, it contains several of the most medicinal and anti-inflammatory spices – turmeric, ginger and cinnamon! 2 cups water or nut… Read More

Colostrum: Liquid Gold, Not Just for Babies

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJune 21, 2017

Colostrum is not only baby’s first food but it is also considered a super-food for children and adults, especially those with a leaky gut. Colostrum, often termed “liquid gold,” is the secretion that mammals produce just prior to birth and right after birth to provide… Read More

Supporting Postpartum Hormone Balance

By Joanne Aponte, ND onJune 19, 2017

Having a baby is no simple thing. Growing a baby, birthing a baby, and then feeding and caring for that baby 24/7 is a major demand on a mother both physically and emotionally. While this is one of the most amazing and rewarding experiences in… Read More

Best Teas to Drink For Your Health

By Sarah Axtell, ND onMay 21, 2017

The ritual of drinking a hot cup of tea can be a form of meditation, a ritual and a way of life for many cultures around the world. Next to water, tea is the second most consumed beverage around the world. As I write… Read More

Coconut Turmeric Crusted Fish

By Sarah Axtell, ND onMay 3, 2017

  This is a healthy twist on an all-time favorite- fish sticks! You can use any kind of white fish- halibut, tilapia, cod, sole, or pollock. Buy wild caught if possible! Serve on top of a taco salad or along side this… Read More

Relief for Eczema (and other itchy skin rashes)

By Joanne Aponte, ND onApril 17, 2017

Eczema (aka atopic dermatitis) is a condition of the skin that makes it red and itchy.  The red, itchy rash is a result of inflammation and immune cell activity in the skin.  Conventional medicine usually involves the use of cortisone creams to suppress the immune… Read More

Quinoa Salad with Moroccan Pesto

By Sarah Axtell, ND onMarch 20, 2017

This pesto is like running a little cellular vacuum through the body to tidy everything up. The parsley and cilantro in particular are excellent detoxifiers; parsley works on the blood and kidneys, while cilantro cleans up the liver. Mint, cumin and paprika make this an… Read More

The Great Salt Debate

By Sarah Axtell, ND onMarch 19, 2017

Despite its bad press, salt is critical to maintain optimal health. Sodium is essential for many biological processes, including blood pressure control, transportation of nutrients in and out of cells, and the maintenance of proper nerve transmission. Here is what you should know about this… Read More

6 Ways to Boost Your Libido Naturally

By Sarah Axtell, ND onFebruary 25, 2017

Ladies, does your sex drive need a boost? If you’re like many people women, sex is the last thing on your mind after a long day. But of course we know sex is a vital component of a relationship- the ultimate connection. Without it, your… Read More

Red Curry Squash Soup with Bok Choy

By Sarah Axtell, ND onFebruary 17, 2017

IN THE PRESS: This recipe was featured in Natural Awakenings Magazine in 2021 This is one of the easiest soups you’ll make. Like most of my soups, I included turmeric and ginger- the two anti-inflammatory super-spices. Soups are a great vehicle to include these… Read More

Why Acid-Reducing Medications are My Least Favorite Drugs

By Sarah Axtell, ND onFebruary 11, 2017

Antacids, H2 blockers and PPI’s (Proton pump inhibitors) are my least favorite medications. Nexium, Prilosec, Pepcid and Zantac are examples of these medications. Long-term use can come with serious side effects: Vitamin B12 Deficiency: B12 supports the mylein sheath around nerves that allows for… Read More

Rethinking the Pill

By Sarah Axtell, ND onFebruary 10, 2017

While it may seem like a “cure-all” to your hormonal woes, the pill does not come without side effects. Side effects include low libido, weight gain, hair loss, fatigue, brain fog, breast tenderness, and altered mood, such as depression and anxiety. If this isn’t… Read More

Spring Cleanse

By lakesidend onFebruary 6, 2017

When: Saturday, March 4th, 2017 Time: 12:00pm – 2:00pm To register: visit the Upcoming Events & Workshops webpage Description: This nutrition workshop led by Sarah Axtell, ND encompasses a whole body, non-fasting approach to cleansing. We will boost immunity, decrease inflammation and support our most important… Read More

Beat The Winter Blues

By Joanne Aponte, ND onJanuary 27, 2017

Many people suffer from the winter blues or a type of depression called Seasonal Affective Disorder.  Sunlight is essential for maintaining a healthy mood, so the darkness of the winter months can take its toll on us. Low mood can become even more severe as… Read More

New Year’s Cleanse: Nutrition and Detoxification Workshop

By Sarah Axtell, ND onJanuary 17, 2017

When: Saturday, January 21st, 2017 Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm Description: This nutrition workshop led by Sarah Axtell, ND encompasses a whole-body, non-fasting approach to cleansing. Benefits include increased energy, weight loss, healthier skin, improved digestion. Cost: $50 plus the cost of professional-grade… Read More

8 Ways to Support Detoxification

By Joanne Aponte, ND onJanuary 15, 2017

It’s the new year and many of us are starting our diet and wondering “Should I do a cleanse?” A cleanse or detoxification is a great way to start with a clean slate, improve overall health and jump start a weight loss program. When it… Read More

What Your Food Cravings Reveal About You

By Sarah Axtell, ND onDecember 27, 2016

As a naturopathic doctor, I frequently ask people if they have any food cravings. Food cravings can reveal a lot about your health. Food cravings can be both emotionally based, but they can also tie into your physical health. Like physical symptoms, food cravings give… Read More

ADHD symptoms improved by an Elimination Diet

By Sarah Axtell, ND onDecember 27, 2016

In this study 64% of children who followed an elimination diet for 4-9  weeks experienced significant improvement of ADHD symptoms and oppositional defiant disorder as compared with the control group. An elimination diet is a restrictive diet that eliminates allergenic foods. In this study, the… Read More

The 10 Modifiable Factors of Aging

By Sarah Axtell, ND onDecember 27, 2016

The human life span has been documented to reach about  120 years, and the maximum life span is potentially 150 years or more. Those that reach ages over 100 have been found to lead active and productive lives. These people age more slowly and typically… Read More

Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity

By Sarah Axtell, ND onDecember 27, 2016

Both Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity are becoming more prominent these days. This is likely due to over-consumption of wheat, which is now genetically modified to have a higher concentration of gluten. It also may be due to early introduction of wheat to an infant’s… Read More

Vitamin D and Breast Cancer

By Sarah Axtell, ND onDecember 27, 2016

This study highlights the importance of vitamin D and cancer, specifically breast cancer. Monitoring vitamin D levels and appropriate supplementation in breast cancer patients is a MUST. Supplement with vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), the most effective and bioavailable form of vitamin D. If you’ve never done so… Read More

Weight Loss- A Holistic Approach

By Sarah Axtell, ND onDecember 27, 2016

Weight loss is a complex subject. No two individuals gain weight for the same reason and no two individuals lose it the same way. That is why an individualized approach is ideal. My approach to weight loss is not calorie counting nor is it implementing… Read More

Maca- A True Superfood

By Sarah Axtell, ND onDecember 27, 2016

Maca is a plant native to the Andes, revered for its many nutritional and medicinal properties. Maca is a true super-food, for it is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, plant sterols, protein, and essential fatty acids. Both men and women can benefit from maca’s… Read More

The 4 R’s for Optimal Gut Health

By Sarah Axtell, ND onDecember 27, 2016

Constipated? Bloated? Nauseated? Diarrhea? Gas? Fatigue? Feeling blah? Poor immunity? Eczema? Acne? Migraines? Do these words ring true to you? If so, your GI systems needs some attention. 60-90% of your immune system is concentrated in your gut mucosa. Trust your… Read More

Soothing Seasonal Stress

By Joanne Aponte, ND onDecember 12, 2016

The holiday season is here, and with all its beauty and joy tends to come stress for many of us. There is the stress of “so much to do” and the stress that comes with busy schedules and the expense of gift giving. Here are… Read More

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